Jesse Firestone
Jesse has been a web technologist since 2005 but has always enjoyed finding the right solutions to puzzling problems. The bulk of his web experience has been focused on Drupal sites in the government and nonprofit sectors, including clients like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, and the Chalkboard Project. He formally studied Information and Security Assurance, and these days he likes working with complex data, improving workflow, and doing technical planning.
He lives in Bend, Oregon, with his startlingly handsome dog, Tiberius. He's usually out climbing, mountain biking, or otherwise enjoying nature. His other passions include psychology, philosophy, puzzles, and music.
Insights by Jesse Firestone
Many organizations are moving their sites to Drupal 8+ as Drupal 7 (D8 and D7, respectively) slowly comes to end-of-life, and discovering that migrating content to a new system can be one of the biggest headaches an organization experiences. Thankfully, we have the Migrate API – a suite of tools that allow us to customize […]
Web hosting plans are tiered primarily based on site traffic – specifically the number of visitors and pages served per month. If you are migrating to a new host, or your current host is bumping you to a higher tier because your traffic exceeds your current limit, there are steps you can take to reduce […]
TL;DR: To keep your organization flexible and secure, avoid short-term thinking that may create technical debt. If you manage a website or application, you may have heard the phrase “technical debt.” (No, it doesn’t mean you’ve overdrawn your Bitcoin account.) Technical debt is like financial debt for the software that powers your organization. What is […]
On June 3, 2020, Drupal 8.9 and Drupal 9 will be released. An upcoming release, especially two releases in one day, surely brings up questions like… How long will my existing site be supported? Why are they being released at the same time? How do I upgrade? Should I upgrade? What’s the meaning of life, etc.? A quick […]
Use the Right Tool for the Job One of the joys of working with open-source technologies is not being married to any particular solution. We’ve all heard the classic phrase, “when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” A cornucopia of open-source content management systems (CMS) exists. If you reach into your toolbox […]