Burdensome chapter management

Chapters around the globe are struggling to fill volunteer leadership positions.

Members don’t want to spend time on laborious administrative tasks.

They prefer to focus on building their chapter community and delivering members valuable educational and networking opportunities.

Help chapter leaders dig themselves out of paperwork by giving them one platform to manage their member and attendee data, dues, events, and community—a platform supported by headquarters. Associations can also use Salesforce for other components: sections, councils, special interest groups, local/state affiliates, and informal networking groups. You can set up new groups in response to emerging industry issues or interests.

Chapter portal

Our consultants set up an online portal where chapter leaders can manage membership, finances, and events, including registration and sponsorships. Volunteers no longer have to enter data from sign-in sheets, web forms, and spreadsheets. Transferring funds and pulling reports become a breeze.

Volunteer leaders can analyze chapter member engagement, distribute information and resources to members, and communicate and collaborate within their chapter. They can also visit the portal to network with chapter leader peers, ask for advice, and share tips and ideas.

Member self-service

Chapter members use the online portal to update their profile, pay dues, view the member directory, access information and resources, and communicate and collaborate with fellow members in their chapter or beyond.

Salesforce brings more transparency to chapter data. The association and its chapter leaders can view membership, engagement, and financial data. You get insight into chapter member engagement and can identify potential volunteer leaders at the chapter or national level. With this look into member and chapter activity, you have the information to assess chapter performance and identify active and at-risk chapters.

Accelerators for associations


Association software assessment

Is your association looking into membership management solutions for the first time? Are you on an outdated legacy system like Netforum, Personify, or iMIS? Are you experiencing the effects of 15 years of technical workarounds?