Fluctuating revenue from sponsors and exhibitors

Association budgets have always depended on sponsors and exhibitors for a large proportion of the non-dues revenue required to remain financially sustainable.

However, these industry partners have increasing options for their marketing budget spend. You must offer marketing opportunities that will deliver the relationships and leads they seek.

Salesforce helps associations strengthen relationships and promote revenue partnership opportunities throughout the year, not just at conference time. Dashboards allow you to track exhibitor and sponsor information in one place, such as purchase history, sponsorship levels, payments, and exhibit space locations.


As a CRM, Salesforce nurtures leads and tracks sales, whether you’re selling membership, products, events, advertising, exhibit space, or sponsorships. Reporting tools help you understand and track your existing and prospective revenue partners’ goals, interests, and activities.

You can track where each prospect is in the sales process, score their engagement, and share pipeline reports and forecasts. AI-assisted tools help you personalize and speed up the sales cycle.

Sponsors want to sell to your members 365 days a year, not just a few days at your conference. Many of them prefer a partnership that lasts all year round. You can offer and track sponsorship packages and advertising opportunities tailored to each company’s needs with Salesforce.

Predictive selling

Because data analytics tools reveal member interests, you can identify opportunities for revenue partners to share their expertise with members via sponsored content, education, and events. You can help connect revenue partners with their target audiences within your membership.

With Salesforce, teams across your organization can access prospective and existing revenue partner data. A more holistic approach to revenue generation is possible, as the usual revenue silos are disrupted and cross-departmental collaboration improves.

Accelerators for associations


Association software assessment

Is your association looking into membership management solutions for the first time? Are you on an outdated legacy system like Netforum, Personify, or iMIS? Are you experiencing the effects of 15 years of technical workarounds?