Transforming data into insight and decisions

Understanding prospects, members, and customers’ behavior, interests, and preferences is complicated when data lives across different systems.

Your association can’t take advantage of modern marketing strategies unless you have automated tools that help you personalize targeted messaging.

Diffuse data

Salesforce helps to eliminate data silos by serving as a central hub for storing and accessing data. Our consultants help associations integrate data from other platforms and establish Salesforce as the single source of truth.

At Fíonta, we believe everyone is a potential data analyst. Salesforce’s real-time reporting and analytics tools provide a holistic view of data. Staff can access the data they need to do their jobs, condense multiple reports into visualizations, measure key performance indicators, and tailor dashboards to specific business needs.

Board portal

Our consultants can set up a board portal that provides the information volunteer leaders need to prepare for meetings and make decisions.

AI and predictive analytics

Salesforce AI tools help you identify trends, patterns, and correlations in your data. You can better understand the paths to deeper member and customer engagement. Predictive analytics help you identify who’s likely to purchase based on past behavior, allowing you to allocate marketing resources better and improve conversion rates. By assessing program and event metrics, you can improve the planning and marketing of future programs and events.

Accelerators for associations


Fíonta Association Accelerator

Born from Fíonta’s deep association expertise, Fíonta Association Accelerator marries years of Salesforce proficiency with an unwavering commitment to resolve your challenges.


Association software assessment

Is your association looking into membership management solutions for the first time? Are you on an outdated legacy system like Netforum, Personify, or iMIS? Are you experiencing the effects of 15 years of technical workarounds?