You’ve been a member of the Salesforce practice here at Fíonta since the beginning of 2019. How did you find your way to Fíonta?
I was planning to make a move toward the end of 2018, and I think I opened up my LinkedIn. Suddenly, bada bing bada boom, Sarah reached out to me, and I started the interview process.
Where were you first exposed to the Salesforce platform?
At World Vision, we did the RFP process for a grants management system, and Salesforce was a contender. Because Salesforce can do everything (ish), they had an excellent presentation, and we picked them. I spent about a year implementing Salesforce at World Vision and fell in love! When I decided to change jobs, I was thrilled about the opportunity to jump into the deep end of the Salesforce world.
Of the five Salesforce certifications you’ve earned, which was the hardest exam? Do you have any tips for people as they prep for an upcoming Salesforce cert exam?
I just got my 6th, Service Cloud! In some way, I think my first was the hardest (Salesforce Admin). All the certification tests are challenging, and Admin was my first exposure, which was intimidating. Admin is also so broad as well as extremely specific, like all the exams are!
How does our “remote-first” philosophy impact you personally? What must-have tools are in your home office?
I am so thankful for Fíonta’s flexibility to let people be remote-first! My husband is in the Navy and was relocated last year to Norfolk, VA, and I am so grateful that I could keep my job with Fionta and not miss a beat. As far as must-have tools, I love my standing desk! Even if I don’t stand as much as I should, it lets me adjust to different positions, which is helpful.
Which of Fíonta core value(s) makes you sing and why?
I love Always Be Improving! Our team embodies this value so well, and that’s been particularly noticeable during this period of growth in the last couple of years. That value makes me feel like I’ll always be challenged and have room to grow here.
How do you see your career advancing at Fíonta? What’s Chelsea doing in late 2022?
Hopefully, feeling more and more confident leading implementation projects.
What are some of your hobbies?
I love ultimate frisbee! I played in college and lots in DC. Sadly I have yet to find a team here in Norfolk, but I’m looking. I am also a brand new youth group leader at my church for 7th-grade girls. I have a lot to learn about relating to the girls in such a tricky time in life, but I’m excited! I hope it becomes a new passion.
Rural or urban?
‘Burbs. Right in the middle. There is plenty to do without the stress and ridiculousness of city intensity.
Up with the crow or nights with the owls?
Early bird all the way. The ideal wake-up time in life is 6:30, but sadly our alarm is typically set for 5:45. Nevertheless, I love getting up and looking forward to the day.
Pool ladder or diving board?
Pool ladder.
Halloween or New Year’s Eve?
New Year’s Eve! I love resolutions and anticipating the joy and possibilities of a new year.
Favorite nut butter?
Dark chocolate creamy almond butter. Yum!