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Fíonta Focus - January 2024

“On New Year’s Eve, the whole world celebrates the fact that a date changes. Let us celebrate the dates on which we change the world.” — Akilnathan Logeswaran

Beginning a new year serving clients whose work changes the world daily is an honor.

Our team has upgrades and updates on the brain as Salesforce Spring ’24 release and Fonteva Platform 15 are right around the corner. We’re prepared to provide our clients with the resources, plans, and assistance necessary to take advantage of new or improved functionality. Our Health Check package is the first step – learn more about it below.

Nonprofits & Foundations

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Spring ’24 updates

The latest updates to Nonprofit Cloud streamline several key functionalities. They simplify the creation of integrations, allow for more accurate measurement of ROI in enhanced campaigns through innovative revenue attribution methods for gift commitments, and enhance digital fundraising and tracking through the use of Outreach Source Code URLs.

Additionally, these enhancements facilitate the management of donor support requests and streamline accounting processes by enabling more efficient tracking of payment data.

  1. Donor and Constituent Management: Improved tools for tracking and managing donor interactions, allowing for more personalized outreach and relationship building.
  2. Fundraising and Engagement Streamlining: Enhanced features for managing fundraising campaigns and engaging with supporters, leading to more effective fundraising strategies and higher engagement rates.
  3. Advanced Data Analytics: Better analytics tools for understanding donor behavior and campaign effectiveness, aiding in strategic decision-making and optimizing future campaigns.
  4. User Experience Enhancements: Updates aimed at making the platform more intuitive and user-friendly, reducing the learning curve for new users and increasing efficiency for existing users.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Enhanced integration with other tools and platforms, allowing for a more seamless flow of information across different systems.

These updates are designed to help nonprofits better manage their operations, engage with their communities, and achieve their mission more effectively. For detailed information on each feature and its applications, you can view the complete release notes here.

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Streamlining grantmaking processes

International Sustainable Energy Foundation (ISEF) came to Fíonta looking for a system to manage their grantmaking and a desire to connect traditional grantmaking endeavors back to the source funds tracked through donations and grants, robust reporting, an online grant portal, and automatic generation of award letters.

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Will we see you at NTC?

Fíontans Caitlin Thomas and Janna Rawls will be in beautiful downtown Portland for the annual Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) March 13-15.

NTC is a not-to-miss conference focused exclusively on nonprofit technology. Attendees from around the world gather to share resources, enjoy professional development, and network with fellow nonprofit employees.

Will you be there? If so, please reply to this email and let us know so we can be certain to catch up in person! Caitlin and Janna will be available to discuss Nonprofit Cloud, paths to migrate from NPSP or other systems like Raiser’s Edge or foundationConnect, and Fíonta’s managed services packages for Salesforce and WordPress and Drupal websites with you.

Learn more about NTC


Introducing Fonteva Platform 15

The Fonteva Platform 15 (FP15) release is coming soon, and it’s packed with enhancements that promise to improve and expand upon the already robust Fonteva features and functionality.

Key highlights of this release include the introduction of Dynamic Fundraising Campaigns, Reusable Components, and the powerful Fonteva Enterprise Community +. In this blog post we provide information about each new area of functionality along with critical changes (including functionality sunsets and must-dos prior to upgrading).

As always, Fíonta is here to support clients as they begin the path to Fonteva Platform 15 upgrade.

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The art of measuring member engagement

Members’ engagement level can determine an association’s growth, retention, and overall success. However, measuring engagement can be challenging, and membership organization leaders must understand the best practices and strategies to achieve accurate results.

In this blog, we explore ways to measure member engagement and provide insights into the best practices and strategies that membership organization leaders can use to increase member engagement, as well as five ways to use Salesforce to track and measure engagement.

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Your Salesforce instance needs regular health checks, too

Regular health checks for your Salesforce instance are not just beneficial; they are essential. As a central element of your technology stack, Salesforce allows you to create and modify functionalities easily. This remarkable capability, however, requires careful and continuous oversight. Enter Fíonta’s Health Check package…

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All about AI: Salesforce Spring ’24 features

The Spring ’24 release of Salesforce introduces several innovative features, focusing on artificial intelligence, data management, and CRM enhancements. Key highlights include:

  • Einstein Copilot: This conversational AI assistant is now integrated across all Salesforce applications, boosting productivity through automation and custom actions.
  • Prompt Builder: A tool for creating, testing, and refining AI prompts without coding, enhancing user experience and workflow efficiency.
  • Service Cloud Einstein: Search Answers: Improves service by quickly providing precise answers, drawing from trusted Knowledge Articles.
  • Einstein Copilot: Sales Actions: Aids organizations in various sales stages (in the case of our clients, donations cycle, membership cycle, etc.,) from supporter research to CRM updates.
  • Commerce Concierge: Enhances purchasing with AI-driven conversational selling experiences, allowing for intuitive product searches and personalized responses. This is ideal for ticket-based organizations or professional organizations with book or journal sales.

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The web is an everchanging landscape of digital trends. It can be difficult to keep up with the web fashions of the moment not to mention keeping your digital interfaces up to speed.
Fíonta is here to help! In this informative article, Medium offers 5 trends for digital experiences you may not know about but should.

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5-6: APPCon (Arlington, VA)
13-15: NTEN (Portland, OR)


10: Salesforce World Tour (Washington, DC)
25: Salesforce World Tour (New York, NY)

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